Egyptian Gods Symbols

Ancient Egyptian Gods Symbols for kids

Interesting information, pictures and fast, fun facts about ancient Egyptian Gods Symbols for kids


Egyptian Gods Symbols
Discover information and interesting Egyptian Gods Symbols. The fast, fun facts about Egyptian Gods Symbols includes a list of the names of the gods and the symbols that were associated with them. The Egyptian gods symbols include the attributes that were associated with specific gods and goddesses. The Egyptian gods symbols also provides facts and information about the sacred animals that were linked to many of the deities, some of which were reflected in the depictions of the gods. The 'Human-Hybrids that had the body of a human and the heads of animals, the most famous of these gods was Anubis who was represented with the head of a jackal which was one of his symbols.

Egyptian Gods Symbols - Animals
The following Egyptian Gods Symbols were related to the animals and birds that were sacred to the deities of Egypt.

Egyptian Gods Symbols - Animals

AssSymbol sacred to Set
Ape / BaboonSymbol sacred to Baba, Thoth & Hedjwer
BullSymbol sacred to Menthu, Min & Ptah
CatSymbol sacred to Bastet and Mau
CobraSymbol sacred to Wadjet
CowBovine Symbol sacred to Hathor, Isis & Mut
CrocodileSymbol sacred to Sobek
Dog / JackalSymbol sacred to Anubis
FrogSymbol sacred to Nun, Heh, Kek & Amun
GooseSymbol sacred to Geb
HawkSymbol sacred to Horus
HippopotamusSymbol sacred to Taweret, Opet, Ipy & Reret
IbisSymbol sacred to Thoth
LionSymbol sacred to Sekmet, Tefnut, Mau, Mut
Lynx / CheetahSymbol sacred to Mafdet
PigEvil Symbol sacred to Apep
RamSymbol sacred to Khnum
Scarab BeetleSymbol sacred to Khepri
ScorpionSymbol sacred to Khepri
SerpentSymbol sacred to Apep
SnakeNaunet, Keket, Hehet & Amaunet
SwallowSymbol sacred to Isis
VultureSymbol sacred to Nekhebet, Mut & Neith

Egyptian Gods Symbols - Animals


The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses


Egyptian Gods Symbols
The following chart, or fact sheet, details interesting information about the names and facts about the Egyptian Gods Symbols.

Egyptian Gods Symbols


The crocodile, lion and hippo. The Owl, a symbol of death
Amun:The Amun crown of two, long feathers and the ram headed sphinx
Anhur:Spear, Lance, War Chariot
Anubis:Imiut fetish, the flail, the crook and a 'was' sceptre, the jackal dog
Anuket:The gazelle, tall ostrich feather headdress
Aten:The sun disk and the ankh
Atum:The Pshent, the dual white and red crown, false plaited beard, crook and flail, snake, lion, bull, lizard and baboons
Baba:The baboon, the moon, the phallus
Bastet:The Ankh, the cat, the lioness and the sistrum
Hapi:Androgynous representations, the papyrus reed and the lotus plant
Hathor:The sistrum (rattle) the Ankh, the Was Scepter, mirrors and the blue lotus
Heka:The side lock, Hemhem crown, ankh, flail and scepter
Horus:The Wedjat, later called the Eye of Horus, the falcon
Isis:The 'throne' headdress, the moon disk with cow's horns, the sycamore tree, the kite hawk
Khepri:The Scarab, the Ankh, the Was Scepter
Khnum:The potter's wheel, the ram, the Ankh, the 'Was Scepter'
Khonsu:The crescent and full moon, the falcon, a crook, flail, and scepter

Egyptian Gods Symbols


Egyptian Gods Symbols

  • Interesting information and Facts about lion Goddesses
  • Facts about ancient lion Goddesses
  • History and Egyptian Mythology associated with Facts about lion Goddesses
  • Information and about Facts about lion Goddesses for schools, research and kids
  • Lion Goddesses and the religion of ancient Egypt

The Egyptian Gods and Goddesses


Egyptian Gods Symbols
The following chart, or fact sheet, details interesting information about the names and facts about the Egyptian Gods Symbols.

Egyptian Gods Symbols

Ma'at:The Feather of Truth, the Ankh, the Was Scepter
Mafdet:Mafdet was ancient Egyptian lynx, lion or cheetah shaped war goddess, a cat goddess of protection, spitting fire at cobras.
Mau:Mau, the ancient Egyptian word cat god
Menthu:The Buchis bull, the Ankh, the Was Scepter and the double plumed crown
Menhit:Menhit was depicted in the form of a lioness who sometimes wore the red crown of Lower Egypt
Mut:Mut the great Mother Goddess was a warrior lioness goddess. Her symbols were the Vulture, crown with the Uraeus (rearing cobra)
Nefertum:The Lotus Flower (water lily)
Neith:The bow emblem and a shield bearing crossed arrows
Nekhbet:The Vulture, White Atef crown of Upper Egypt, the lotus and the round Shen ring
Nephthys:The house, meaning temple, the kite or Egyptian hawk
Osiris:He was depicted as a Pharaoh wearing a crown with a crook, flail and beard. Distinguished by his green face
Pakhet:Pakhet, "She Who Scratches", was a big cat goddess
Ptah:The scepter of Dominion combining the Ankh, the Was and the Djed and the Apis Bull
Ra:The Sun disk and the Falcon
Satet:The white conical crown and antelope horns
Sekhmet:The Sekhem scepter of power, the Ankh, the sun disk with the uraeus rearing cobra
Seshat:The reed pen, papyrus scroll, palm stem, leopard skin robe
Set:The mythical griffin, the hippopotamus, the crocodile, the tortoise, and above all the serpent
Shu:Head of a lion, single ostrich feather
Sobek:The Crocodile
Taweret:The 'Sa' symbol of protection, hippopotamus, lion and crocodile
Tefnut:Tefnut and her twin Shu were worshipped as a pair of lions at Leontopolis
Thoth:The ibis, moon disk, reed pen, papyrus scroll, palm branch, baboon
Wadjet:Wadjet was primarily a cobra goddess

Egyptian Gods Symbols


Egyptian Gods Symbols - Names of Lion Gods and Goddesses - List of Egyptian Gods Symbols - Chart of Lion Gods and Goddesses - Facts about Egyptian Gods Symbols - Life - Symbol - Definition - Meaning - Names -  Lion Gods - Goddesses - List - Chart - Lion Goddesses - Ancient -  Eygptian - Eygpt -  Lion Gods - Goddesses - Egypt - Eygpt - Kids - Facts about Lion Goddesses - Children - Eygptian - Deity - Life - Religion - Mythology - Myths - Legends - Ancient - Egyptian Gods Symbols - Egyptian Gods Symbols - Kids - Children - Symbol - Facts -  Lion Gods - Goddesses - Interesting - Information - Names of Egyptian Gods Symbols - List - Chart - Definition - Kids - Children -  Lion Gods - Goddesses - Meaning - History - Symbols of  - Egyptian Gods Symbols -  Definition - Meaning - Significance - Ancient -  Lion Gods - Goddesses - Eygpt - Egyptian - Names - List - Chart -  Lion Gods - Goddesses - Eygpt - Egyptian Gods Symbols - Egyptology - Old Egypt - Religion - Religious Beliefs - Lion Gods - Goddesses - Egyptology - Egypten - Egyption - Egipt - Eygpt - Travel - Tours - Nile cruise - Holiday - Cruise - Flights - Hotels - Vacation - Written By Linda Alchin